Hey girls, have you gone fed up with the way you deal with your monthly period problems? Are you thinking about making a switch to reusable menstrual cups from your ordinary sanitary napkins or tampons but not getting a valid reason to make this change? Not to worry, you will get all your queries and confusions clarified by going through the details listed below….
• You Will Reduce Menstrual Cramps, Infections & Skin Rashes.
If you suffer from intense period pain or cramp and are still relying on using disposables, you must consider using Reusable Menstrual Solutions.
o Disposable pads make use of plastics, which block airflow to your vagina, which causes a painful rash.
o Disposables pads also use synthetic fibers like rayon, which absorb all the moisture in your vagina and increases your risk of getting severe pain and infections.
Once you finalize your choice of bringing a change in the way you deal with your monthly monster and embrace a reusable menstrual cup during those 5 down days, you will surely notice that your severe cramping has been reduced to nil, which is a real menstrual miracle.
• Reusable Menstrual Solutions Are Much Healthier Than The Disposable Ones -
Disposables menstrual products are typically made with a combination of synthetic fibers, plastics, cotton and wood pulp, which are not good to the health point of view as well as in terms of nature too. They not only end up in the atmosphere, but also remain in our bodies for decades, which is the major cause of skin irritations, asthma problem and other feasible ailments.
• Switching Will Save Tons Of Money -
If the health reason is not enough to make a switch, wealth will probably be. By switching to reusable menstrual products from the disposable options, you can save a lot on your monthly expenditure. Reusable cups might cost you a little more at the time of buying but they last much, much longer. A single cup can be used for a decade long. However, it would be great if you change one cup every year for the hygienic point of view; still it will save tons of money for you.
• Switching Will Save The Environment -
As said above, reusable menstrual products are environment friendly too. Since they are not disposed, they leave no drastic effect on the environment and making it polluted. The process of manufacturing the disposables pollutes the waterways, air and animal habitats but switching to reusable products can make a big difference.
So while we might not have the space to discuss the gender discriminations behind the modern menstrual industry, it is ultimately about our minds, our bodies and our choices to make.
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